Carina Searight Michigan 0

Stop Michigan Board of Education from asking students to choose Gender, Name, & Bathroom!

237 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Carina Searight Michigan 0 Comments
237 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

  1. Michigan’s State Board of Education has drafted a guidance that would push the state’s schools to allow all students, regardless of parental or doctoral input, to choose their gender, name, pronouns, and bathrooms.

    Read more:
  2. This takes away parents and doctors rights.
  3. This is against the American Academy of Pediatrics recommendations.

Please sign this petition and forward it to your friends and family! Post it on your social media sites! Our voices need to be heard by April 11, 2016. Here are a list of board members, please call and/or email them also!

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