Meghan Gupta Michigan 0

Stop American Media Bias Concerning Coverage of Terrorist Attacks

60 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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60 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Hundreds of terrorist attacks in The Middle East, Africa, and other developing nations are overlooked by the American media for simply being too foreign. These attacks are swept under the rug to make way for whiter and more newsworthy attacks in Western countries, even though thousands of victims are forgotten and their cries for help not heard. Because these events are not covered, the American public remains uninformed and unable to feel sympathy and concern for the victims of these countries. As citizens of the world who must come together to bring these attacks into the light, we need to press our media institutions to report these acts of terrorisms and share them with us. They must spend more time writing and talking about terrorist attacks that occur in all areas of the world, not just Western attacks that we feel socially and economically connected with. I encourage you to sign this petition in an attempt to force the media to stop ignoring events and keep the public completely informed on all matters in the world, no matter the location. Millions of people in America, including myself, have friends and family in the non-Western area of the world, and we need to help them and their communities just as much as we do in the West. To do that, we must be informed by our media institutions. If we don't succeed in convincing the media to spend time on all terrorist attacks, we are truly incapacitated and unaware of the violence around the world. When there is no awareness, terrorist attacks can and will continue as they become more and more violent and deadly.

Photo Courtesy Of: Darling-Hammond, Sean. "Lives Fit for Print: Exposing Media Bias in Coverage of Terrorism." The Nation. The Nation Company LLC, 13 Jan. 2016. Web. 13 Mar. 2016.

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