Many students want to rewrite the examination that was alleged affected simply because they were not not adequately prepared.
A rewrite would be totally unfair to some of us that did not have access to the leaked papers and did not copy but worked hard, day and night preparing for the LEV3701 paper to be exact in accordance with the tutorial letter 201.
Some had to pay for private tuitions to ensure that we are well equipped for the exam. It is unethical and bias for Unisa to expect all the students to rewrite the examinations.
The only conceivable way forward is to make a throughout investigation, those that are found to have used the leak by virtue of exam answers being exactly the same as the alleged leak. Those that do not indicate a usage of alleged leak should get marked and communicated back to the students as is.
No LEV3701 students will be rewriting the papers. Some of us are due to graduate next semester and rewriting papers obviously jeopardizes plans that we have already made. I support that Unisa need to investigate further and deal with the invovled parties as they should however not punish people who had nothing to do with copying examinations.
I appreciate your support in this matter.