STOP Lake Manassas Parking Violations!
Do you feel the new parking rules, in Lake Manassas, restricting anyone from parking on the street without permission, is overreaching?
We are asking that you read the following guidelines and sign if you agree that the community deserves the right to be involved when rules, regulations and fines are imposed on its resident.
Transparency: All amendments, changes or fines added to the community charter must be transparent and open. All proposed amendments must have the following attributes:
1. Must be published in advance
2. Must provide a period for comments, questions and clarifications.
3. Must provide the purpose of the amendment or change and why it is necessary
4. Must describe the intended impact on the community
5. Must describe any anticipated cost to the residents.
6. Must describe the process and allow for residents to challenge the amendments or changes approved by the Board.
7. Must be approved by the majority of the community.
8. An arbitration committee must be formed to hear complaints or address fines and issues. (no board or committee members may be on this committee)
9. Any proposed amendment or action taken by the LMROA Board or covenents committee that involves fines or fees levied against residents must be defined in advance and include a period to comply, when and how the penalty is levied, a challenge process that includes an escalation chain from notice to final decision. It must also include how monetary remedies are levied, collected, paid and where the funds are used.