Stop Kirkwood Flats!

Altus Properties has submitted a proposal for a 5‐story mixed‐use development at the UMB Bank site. As concerned Kirkwood residents, we believe this project in this site is wrong for Kirkwood. The next few weeks will be critical in determining whether this project will move forward. We support smart redevelopment of N.Kirkwood Road that respects surrounding neighborhoods. Preserve the historical integrity and unique character that makes Kirkwood a great place to live and visit!
• At 5 stories, this modern project will tower over surrounding area including the adjacent historical residential neighborhood. The project will be one of the tallest buildings in Kirkwood
• This project as proposed does not meet Kirkwood code (requesting 5 modifications) with almost double the number of units (174 apartments) allowed by code.
• This project will increase traffic and congestion to local roads. Poor access to site will require retail users and residents to use Taylor and Washington Avenues.
We ask for your support. Please write Kirkwood City Council, attend and speak at City meetings, and SIGN THE PETITION AND ADD YOUR KIRKWOOD ADDRESS. If you would like more information, please contact stopkirkwoodflats@gmail.com