Stop Janna Dam
The Wellness Project 0

Stop Janna Dam

830 signers. Add your name now!
The Wellness Project 0 Comments
830 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

With only a handful of trees left in our country, Mstr. Akram Chehayyeb has recently signed a petition to cut them down. (there are 51,000 trees in the endangered area, to be precise) in the Janna nature reserve.

The Janna nature reserve will be cut down to build a water dam, which will lead to devastating consequences on the upper Nahr ibrahim Valley, Jeita springs, Afqa and Roueiss.

BGR (Germany), SAFEGE (France) studies proved why the Janna Dam is a non-sense.

The German Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources strongly recommended not to go ahead with the construction of the planned Janneh dam.

Needless to say that ecology has direct financial consequences on the economy, and the effects that this project will have on the long run on these 4 major touristic areas will be irreparable.

Join our cause and put the pressure on the Lebanese government to abort this project which will destroy Nahr Ibrahim region, the historical valley of Adonis, the Biosphere of Jabal Moussa and probably the Jeita grotto!

Let's all join our voices and let this massacre end before it's too late!!

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