David Wheeler 0


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We, the undersigned, object to the contract for running the Urgent Care Centre at QEH being awarded to the Hurley Group. GRABADOC has been running this centre for the past 3 years and we believe that awarding the contract to an outside provider will have a destabilising effect on the provision of local out of hours service provision in Greenwich and Bexley. For many years we have supported and depended upon GRABADOC for out-of-hours services and training. Urgent care provision across London is about to change with the new dial 111 system. A key component of the 111 system is collaboration between local GPs and A+E services to ensure integration of care and, therefore, GRABADOC should continue to run the UCC to provide this integrated care. In Lewisham the contract for the UCC was awarded to SELDOC + Lewisham Hospital Trust without any tendering process in order to ensure such collaborative continuity. The decision by the Greenwich Business Support Unit to award the UCC contract to the Hurley group will not only fragment local OOH care but also undermine our ability to deliver comprehensive OOH training for our GP trainees. There was no local GP or patient consultation in this process. We therefore urge the Greenwich Business Support Unit to put this contract on hold and review it in the light of the bigger picture of the "111" service being rolled out across London, the wishes of local patients and the training needs of local trainee GPs.

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