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MyDramaList is a Website which provides Asian drama & movie fans a site where they can create their very own watchlists. People have the option to rate these show's and write reviews however the MDL Article Guidelines used to have a rule on page 8 ''The list of topics that are not allowed: Yaoi/BL " after many have spoken against it, the rule was adjusted but many of us noticed that it didn't make much of a difference.

LGBTQ articles are often denied and ignored with no explanation whatsoever. The ratings are automatically set to drop down when it comes to BL series, it's infuriating. Many of us have made complaints over this topic, always in hopes they’d address it somehow yet they didn't and this still makes me very bitter.

Hopefully if more people acknowledge this issue then we could make a change, these type of situations are a forceful reminder that the struggle for LGBTQ rights to be equal to other's still exists. You may think " Oh this is just about a show, it's no big deal " Although this may seem minor to you, it's the meaning behind it that enraged people off. Why do heterosexual show's have to be above? Why is that a rule? Is it fair? It's all about equality after all.

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