Stop George Zimmerman Celebrity Boxing Fight
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Whether you believe in George Zimmerman's guilt or not, I do not think that any person should profit off of the death of a person or the long-lasting racial tensions in America. If this fight occurs, it will only prove that America has not progressed as much as people would like to promote. If this fight occurs, it will speak volumes on the character and morals of the American people. If this fight occurs, it will be a lose/lose situation for everyone. Are we not that far removed from the days of racially motivated pugilism? If this fight occurs, the answer will be a loud and embarrassing, "Yes!"
We, the American people, need to stop allowing people to profit off of our emotions. Yes, many citizens are still angered by the verdict of the George Zimmerman trial. But, even if he loses the fight, he still gains the one thing he loves most; your attention. Even if he loses the fight, a life was still taken that can't be given back. Even if he loses the fight, there will be no feelings of vengeance or retribution or just. I ask you to not grantGeorge Zimmermana platform to gain more publicity, possibly more fans and more money. If George Zimmerman fights, America loses!
PLEASE SIGN THE CHANGE.ORG PETITION AS WELL! THEY ARE CLOSE TO 100,000 SIGNATURES AND NEED OUR HELP! https://www.change.org/petitions/damon-feldman-stop-the-george-zimmerman-celebrity-boxing-match