Stop Wolf Hunts

By BornFreeMovies on YouTube (www.youtube.com/user/bornfreemovies)
Following the footsteps of a few states that allow wolf hunts, including Washington,Alaska, Montana, Idaho and Wyoming, Wisconsin and Minnesotaplan to launch their first organized wolf hunts.Federal officials removed Great Lakes wolves from the endangered species list in January,ignoringanimal advocates' concerns that the wolf populations still are too fragile to sustain hunting.
Farmers in all these states have long complained about wolves wreaking havoc on their livestock. Michigan's hunt legislation still is pending but Wisconsin's season is set to open Oct. 15. Minnesota's season is on track to begin Nov. 3. Both states will allow hunters to bait, shoot and trap wolves. Wisconsin also will allow night hunting and the use of dogs.
Wolf hunting advocates say things like, "To get a (wolf) as a trophy would be awesome" and "The big thing is (getting) the hide."
But wild wolves are not objects to be killed for humantrophies. Wild wolves are smart and have the right to remain wild and free as they were born to be.
Wolf hunt opponents have asked an appeals court to halt the proceedings. Agroup of humane societies hasfiled a lawsuit in Wisconsinseeking to block the use of dogs. A judge has issued a temporary injunction while he weighs the case.
PLEASE sign this petition and ASK officials in these wolf-hunting states to STOP wolf hunting.