susanne christensen 0

Stop Freedomworks/MI4CS and the attempt to hi-jack the Michigan Senate Race

11 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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11 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

We the under signed are protesting the co-oping of the Michigan Tea Party by the group known as MI4CS-Michigan For a Conservative Senate and Freedom works. The Tea Party was conceived with the idea of freedom for the people of this great land to ask questions,debate and find those candidates the represent the true nature of conservatism-life,liberty and the pursuit of happiness. However,to the dismay of many within the Tea Party, the above mentioned organizations have taken it upon themselves to choose our next Senatorial candidate to represent the Tea party itself WITHOUT THE CONSENT OF THE PEOPLE WITHIN THE MOVEMENT! Rather, 110 hand picked people who allegedly represent various Tea Party groups within Michigan will instead select the one GOP candidate THEY have deemed acceptable. Who are these 110 doing the vetting? We don't know! MI4CS will not release the names of the people. The Tea Party was founded on freedom and independence from the dictates of party dogma! "We the People" has been replaced by "We the chosen" and those of us who value our freedom will not stand for this!

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