Stop Explicit Sex Ed In Arizona's Schools to kids as young as 5

On Monday, June 24th at 10am the Arizona State Board of Education will be voting on a radical sex ed curriculum being pushed by Planned Parenthood and national radical LGBTQ groups.
The Arizona School Board meeting will meet at 1535 W. Jefferson St, Conf. 122, Phoenix, AZ 85007.
The State School Board has REMOVED “promote honor and respect heterosexual monogamous marriage” from R7-2-303 without any input from the public.
On June 24 they want to add language that will REQUIRE our kids from kindergarten to 12th grade to be taught about anal and oral sex based on “science” (presented by Alfred Kinsey) from convicted felons and pedophiles.
Stand up for you kids’ education & tell Supt of Public Instruction Kathy Hoffman that their proposed SEX Ed program is not welcome.
See There-Is-No-Such-Thing-As-Safe-Sex-For-Kids-2-0 for one of the best descriptions of what is happening and what MUST be done.
It is one thing to do nothing because you don’t know. But after reading this you’ll have to ask yourself what will you do?
Tell the Arizona State Board of Education NO! Hands off our innocent kids!