Change EDawg878.com

I'm an anonymous player who was a former staff member on EDawg878.com They were number one. Everyone used to talk about it. Now, they're ridiculous. They are one giant joke. They ban FNAF, which is stupid. They ban religious talk because they think it will offend people. They are also DESPERATE for players. It seems like 800/800 players is not enough. Wonder why they are child friendly? SO THEY CAN GET MORE PLAYERS. You also need to vote for redstone! I understand that you need to vote for WorldEdit, but for redstone!? too much. Desperate for votes and popularity.
We need to change EDawg878.com. We need to change them down for the good of all of us. They are an embarrassment to Minecraft. They hire 11 year old children to be staff members. Oh, and those staff members claim that they want to be moderator/ admin so they can help the server. Really? THEY ARE DESPERATE TO BE POPULAR. THE PLAYERS AND STAFF MEMBERS CAN'T TAKE CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM!
Together, we can change their ways. Lets change them for the better.
1. Why did you make this petition?
I wanted to voice my opinion about the server. I also did it anonymously because if I did it on the website, I would get loads of bad ratings.
2. Do you believe EDawg will get better with this petition?
I hope so. I overacted when I said that I wanted the server to shut down. But really, they just need to change their ways. It really gets on my nerves with all the strict rules and stuff.
3. Are you Cora?