Stop Economic Tax Incentives to Manufacturers

Alabama has given more than 4 billion dollars in economic tax incentives (https://subsidytracker.goodjobsfirst.org/prog.php?...) to corporations to move into the state or expand their business. These incentives are approved and managed in secret, without any public accountability or transparency.
These incentives have drained the state of funding that is now needed to respond to the COVID-19 health crisis. Even more concerning, many manufacturers who have received these incentives have laid off their workers without pay or health insurance coverage as a result of the crisis (https://www.alreporter.com/2020/04/03/opinion-jobs...).
Therefore we the undersigned, believe that Alabama should halt all new economic tax incentives and that the state, counties, and municipalities should begin to claw back any incentives provided to manufacturers who are now laying off workers without pay or health insurance coverage.
Now is not the time to give taxpayer money to manufacturers who have millions of dollars in profit at the cost of workers who barely make a living wage.
It is time to get our priorities in order and take care of our people — instead of corporate shareholders.