Stop Dublin Port from turning away cruise ships from 2021 and turning away international cruise companies who want to call Dublin a home port.

In March 2019, without any warning or consultation with the tourism sector, Dublin Port made the decision that it would begin running down the cruise industry from 2021 onwards. From 2021 they plan to have only 2 large ships a week (Currently there are often two or more in one day!) and NO turnaround calls for companies who wish to make Dublin a home port. Turnarounds are cruises that start and finish in Dublin, with thousands of people flying from all over the world to start their holiday in Dublin. This has shocked all those who work in the industry.
This decision will result in the loss of hundreds of jobs and the loss of hundreds of millions of euro and sterling, as the decision is going to affect both the Northern AND Southern economies. Without access to Ireland’s largest and capital city, cruise companies will simply withdraw their ships from the whole island of Ireland and as a result, the country will be completely removed from their itineraries – they will take their business to other more welcoming European destinations. This is because in the cruise world, Dublin is known as the ‘marquee port’. This means it is the main draw to the region, without which the other destinations and ports fail to be an attraction in themselves.
Please help to overthrow this non-sensical decision. Tourism is our second biggest industry, and with all the uncertainties of Brexit, which are outside our control, we can at least take control of this and bring back the jobs, revenue and the big Irish welcome that Dublin Port are planning to give away.
Please sign this petition and share with your colleagues, friends and family.