Stop DHR Corruption, Never Give Up On Our Children

To all whom are willing to help, my family and I are seeking help concerning are kids. We have humbly started this petition because we are frustrated with the corruption going on at DHR (Department of Human Resources) in Alabama. We came to Anniston, Alabama on a short five day vacation, and then the unimaginable happened. DHR took our children from us because the family friend we were staying with had raw sewage running through their yard that we had no idea about. DHR took my daughter, two sons and my two nephews. They separated our children proceeded to place them in abusive foster homes. They have even gone as far as placing my youngest son in a mental hospital without our permission. We have witnessed them following us around in unmarked cars. We believe that they have illegally tapped our phones. We have done nothing but comply with everything they have asked us to. We have passed multiple drugs screens. There is no reason that I should not get my kids back now that I have a home. My mother, Donna Scearcy, 56, was given partial custody back to her for my nephews but shortly after, she was held hostage and threatened on Halloween night by Lester Deck and his son, Wesley, the people we thought were our family friends turned against us. This was all because the grandmother did not want Jayden going out on Halloween because he came home sick from school that day. Lester and Wesley locked her in the room while Lester took the boys trick-or-treating and Wesley stayed to make sure she didn’t come out of her room. Just watching her like a little kid. Out of fear for her life she took the boys with her back to Indiana the very next day while the family friend was at work. Donna had planned on coming back. She left everything there, but she wanted to let him blow off some steam before coming back. Donna is now facing two counts of 2nd degree kidnapping charges when HER GRANDCHILDREN WILLINGLY CAME WITH HER! Lester Deck has yet to face charges for intimidation and holding her hostage. She is a wonderful grandmother that has risen two generation of children. Not only her children but she has had custody of Jayden, Jesse and Aaliyah for most of their life while their mother has been in and out of incarceration. The children’s father is homeless in Illinois. Aaliyah Scearcy, 19, graduated high school this year a whole semester early, has a good paying job and a two bedroom house in Lafayette, Indiana is willing to take her brothers but they will not get into contact her. They even have ignored the grandfather who said that he could take the boys. Donna Scearcy was only trying to protect her grandchildren who she loves dearly. We are coming to you because we have exhausted every avenue. Please, I am begging you, help us in any way you possibly can. I am humbly coming to you on behalf of our children: Alexandra, Clinton, Vincent, Jesse and Jayden.
Hosea and Crystal Johnson
God Bless You