Stop destroying black residential neighborhoods...
Dr. Yvonne D. Nelson 0

Stop destroying black residential neighborhoods...

19 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Dr. Yvonne D. Nelson 0 Comments
19 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

The facts: According to the Shelby County Board of Education website, Made in Memphis, LLC c/o Elvis Presley Enterprises, paid $200,000.00 for the 10.2 acre former site of Graves Elementary School, 3398 Graves Road, on December 3, 2019, for the purpose of creating "a light manufacturing facility for apparel, jewelry, home decor, and collectibles. They plan to train students in manufacturing and provide jobs." I say NO! My community is zoned single-family residential and no homeowner should have to open their door to semi-tractor trailers nor a light, medium, or heavy manufacturing facility. Why not put this and Waste Connections, LLC of TN in Chickasaw Gardens, Cordova, Bartlett, or Germantown? Jobs in Whitehaven, sure, but not at the expense of the replacing the serenity and comfort of our homes with a center focal point of a vocational training school bringing increased foot, bus, and large-vehicles traffic. We encourage you to tell Joel Weinshanker to put it in front of his front door or better yet, join our petition against this development in ours. What we need is not a light manufacturing facility in the middle of our beautiful neighborhood. What we need is a real community center. A center that will cater to everyone from the infant, through the teen, to include activities for our adult population and our seasoned citizens. What we desire is to provide reasonably-priced healthy food choices, free meals for the homeless, training and "enterpreneurshop" activities, safe and affordable housing for aging vets and their family members, 24-hour high-quality family and youth care, community meeting rooms, entertainment and recreation space for all ages, and similar programs that bring value to communities; not strategies that just make the rich, richer. Thank you.

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