Stop cuts to the curriculum at Swanmore College

As parents and carers of children at Swanmore College we would ask the College to reconsider the forthcoming changes to the GCSE curriculum which will reduce the number of subjects on offer to our children.
To quote the Ofsted Chief Inspector Amanda Spielman “Childhood isn’t deferrable; young people get one opportunity to learn in school and we owe it to them make sure they all get an education that is broad, rich and deep. There is more to a good education than league tables.”.
The decision regarding GCSE options is curriculum based and did not involve the Governing Body which is why we are addressing these concerns directly to the Headmaster. The decision has been made behind closed doors and we are calling for transparency.
Only year 9 parents / carers have been surveyed regarding the proposed change. The time given to respond to the survey was less than 2 ½ days. There was also ‘consultation’ meeting for year 9 parents / carers on 26/3/18 where the College put forward a one-sided perspective but offered no right of reply.
Families of years 7, 8 and the of the children due to join the school have not been consulted at all.
We believe that this decision should be postponed so there can be a full and proper consultation with affected parties over such an important decision for the children and the school.
As parents and carers we feel that our voices have not been heard.
Year 9 children will be allowed to continue with their 4 options.
Please continue to sign if you have children in affected years 6, 7 and 8.
Thank you!