Stop cruel training of dogs with shock collars
Laura Tomaszewski 0

Stop cruel training of dogs with shock collars

74 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Laura Tomaszewski 0 Comments
74 people have signed. Add your voice!
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For just £6.99 you can shock your dog to "correct his ways" by using an "anti-bark" or "behavior" collar. Alot of the companies selling these collars use the word "stimulus", funny word for an electric shock. People use these collars to stop dogs running away, becoming aggressive and barking but investigations such as Richard Polsky's strongly suggests to ditch these collars.

Richard Polsky (1994) examined whether aggression in dogs can be elicited through the use of electronic pet containment systems. He collected data relating to incidents where dogs that were trained, or in the process of being trained, with an electronic pet containment system and had shown aggression towards people. Polsky concluded that due to the lack of prior development, the nature and intensity and context of the attacks, the incidents recorded could quite plausibly have involved shock-induced aggression.
We all know that morally shocking dogs to control them is wrong. Isn't that what used to happen to slaves to keep them in line? Dogs are not slaves!
With the help of you guys, we may be able to get these torture items off the market and make it clear to spoil not shock your dogs. There are so many other ways!
Hopefully with the numbers signing this petition it proves it is the majority of people who see it as wrong and something needs to be done about it-
Laura Tomaszewski

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