Stop “Cowboy” Doc, Mishler

Ban DocMishler from owning horses end his journey of horse torture NOW.
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Stop “Cowboy” Doc, Mishler
“ Doc” Tod, Lawrence Mishler 80 years old, self proclaimed cowboy, on a mission to feed the hungry children, and spreading the word of God, he travels the countryside with his horses, handing out flyers for the hungry children, gaining followers and support from good trusting people who believe in his cause and have been feeding him and his horses over a decade, as he travelled from state to state, town to town, on a hope and prayer, portraying himself as a good Christian, when the facts show a much different side, as side where his horses live a life of hell, carrying heavy loads, with improper equipment, causing open sores, along hot paved highways, or waiting outside of bars or saloons, for hours, with little to no water or food, relying on the generosity of good folks who feel sorry for them. There have been many testimonials of eye witnessed accounts to physical abuse, since his journey began, there have been many attempts to stop him, all have failed, most jurisdictions are more content to send him on his way, instead of having to deal with him, below you can find different articles where you can see the condition of the horse as the neglect is unmistakable.
Cowboy on horse who snarled traffic on New York Bridge is arrested
JUNE 30, 2016
Crews save horse stuck in ditch in St. Johns County
St. Johns' County, FL, in February 2016
Cowboy on the road for hunger ventures through Savannah
January 8, 2016
Horses left in downtown Phoenix create a stir
Nov 25, 2013
Every once in a while, you meet these characters in New York.
Today's story - was all about the cowboy, who allegedly doesn't know how to treat his horses according to the ASPCA
Man accused of neglect reunited with horses; charge to be dropped
Aug 17, 2011
NYPD files animal cruelty charges against 'Outerbridge Cowboy' http://www.silive.com/eastshore/index.ssf/2016/06/nypd_files_animal_cruelty_char.html
Two separate and independent veterinarians who specialize in equine care stated the animals were deprived food and water. They were dehydrated and had open bleeding sores on the head and face from the embedded halter. http://www.silive.com/news/index.ssf/2016/07/my_horses_have_been_stolen_fro.html#incart_2box_silive-homepage-featured
January 14, 2003
Horseman heads to Texas for peace