Stop Cow Killing
Abhiram Nimai Das 0

Stop Cow Killing

11 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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Now a days killing cow is increasing day by day.

Brazil and India account for nearly 40% of the world's exports of beef. If you say India is secular so nobody should insult other religion, in this sense Cow killing should be banned. If you say its just a meal like rice or bread then we should eat human flesh.

Every living entity has right to live. We should stop animal killing but Cow is special because of we drink her milk, in this sense She is our Mother.

If we see somebody is killing our mother or father, if we don't protest this so this is not human civilization. Killing cow / bull or supporting this activity or be silent on this activity is a sinful activity.

If we don't protest, a dark age is waiting for our future because Mother's Curse never go back.

Please sign this petition to stop it.

Abhiram Nimai Das

Legal Name - Arup Garai

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