Stop Common Core in Maury County Tennessee

Whereas, the Common Core State Standards is an initiative designed by private
corporations to profit from children in Maury County and all of the State of
Tennessee. And,
Whereas, the Maury County School District must purchase the
Common Core State Standards program, including the curriculum, books, teaching guides, workbooks, software,
and testing from these and approved private corporations. And,
Whereas, the following federal laws specifically prohibit federal
control and a national curriculum for all public schools.
The Department of
Education Organizational Act, established in 1979, Section 103b
The General Education Provisions Act
The Elementary and Secondary Act enacted
in 1965
No Child Left Behind Act of 2002.
The Common Core State
Standards were developed in collusion, designed to circumvent the spirit of
federal law, andthe name itself is a play on words in an attempt to
deflect federal involvement. And,
Whereas, the Council of Chief School Officers and National Governors
Association own the Common Core State Standards program. The State of Tennessee and Tennesseans pay
tens of thousands of dollars in dues annually for Governor Haslam and Education
Commissioner Kevin Huffman to belong to these private corporations. And,
Whereas, Pearson Foundation, a partner in this endeavor, has paid so far $7.7 million in fines, for
arranging private junkets to Helsinki, London, Rio de Janeiro and Singapore
with and for the Council of Chief School Officers. And,
Therefore the Common Core State Standards is clearly an undeniable case of crony capitalism or Corporatocracy, and must be opposed on face value alone.