Stop Closing ESPS for polling - Use the Church instead

We the parents at East Sheen Primary School, urge the council to stop using our school for Polling.
We are a school of nearly 600 primary school children. Every Election day our entire school is closed and parents have to make alternative arrangements for child care or miss out on a days work.
Last year we were closed for 3 term days due to all the elections.
There is a very under used Church, just a couple of minutes walk way from school, called Parkside church (previously Elim Pentecostal) www.parkside.cc at 173 Upper Richmond Road SW14 8DU that can be used instead.
This church will be a much better alternative. It is important where possible that the council try to look to improving on the locations offered, especially where a school is concerned. Closing a school should be a last resort.
There have been more elections than usual recently and this may continue for the next few years, it is not fair to close our school each time, when there is a perfectly good alternative that does not inconvenience anyone.
Please consider using the church from the 3rd of May elections onwards.
** Please note this is a parent/ resident petition, and does not represent the school's views.
Thank you