STOP Castle Hill High Density Home Development !!!

URGENT!!! STOP CASTLE HILL HIGH DENSITY HOUSING DEVELOPMENT....if not then a developer will build a TOWN on top of Castle Hill....130 HOMES!!! ...on one acre lots! Imagine the traffic!!!...Think of the HIGHER TAXES we will pay for all those kids attending the Newtown schools!!! Read the Newtown Bee....write letters of protest to the EDITOR......most of all....GO TO THE HEARINGS. LETS STAND UP AS A LARGE COMMUNITY AGAINST THIS DEVELOPMENT!!!! PS - property values around Castle Hill and Taunton Lake will diminish if this happens. The Newtown community along with Newtown Forest Association and hopefully funds from Newtown MUST PURCHASE THIS PROPERTY so it can be enjoyed in perpetuity .... forever .... by you, your family and future generations!