Stop Brighton's Proposed Apartment Plan - 360 Multi-family Apartments on Corner of Mc Millan and Meridian Rd
360 multi-family apartment complex is proposed by Brighton on the corner of Mc Millen and Meridian Rd. Property values for all homes will drop, not just those near the apartment complex. Traffic is already congested at the Heritage Middle School intersection. Morning and evening traffic will add at least 500 more drivers to our already swollen and congested roads and all will be coming from our neighborhood. Folks, especially high school kids, will be using our community streets to ingress/e-gress around traffic congestion. Schools are already well over capacity. Where will the money come from to build the new schools that will be needed to house the potential 700 children? Community parks will see additional traffic and we will therefore see more need for HOA dollars in maintenance. Crime will rise.
We were told it is too late to stop this by Brighton, but no application has been received by Meridian City Planning and Zoning yet, so We CAN STOP THIS!