Stop Book Piracy

Dear Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, and Smashwords.
Did you knowthat there has been a recent explosion of book pirate sites that feature stolen ebooks and offer UNAUTHORIZED downloads for free?
Do you realize that this not only threatens theincome of hundreds of authors, but costs you millions in lost profits?
Did you know that these thieves are so certain they can act with impunity that they proudly display per-title counters of how many downloads they have stolen?
Dear U.S. Copyright Office:
Did you know these thieves have made a mockery of copyright? They believe that you are powerless to prevent this behavior. Are they right?
Dear Internal Revenue Service.
Are you aware that millions of dollars of taxable income is simply evaporating because authors are not being paid for their work?
We are authors who are appealing to you to use your resources to make war on the blatant immorality, illegality and bad business of stealing from us and you.
We are also readers who understand that stripping writers of their motivation or ability to produce is not in the best interest of authors, readers, or book sellers.
We hope you will pledge your collective power and influence to right this wrong and bring an end to this scourge as the music and movie industries have effectively done.
Authors and Readers for Copyright Protection