Stop Beautification Project $97k Spending until Economic Recovery
Caleb Bouma 0

Stop Beautification Project $97k Spending until Economic Recovery

97 signers. Add your name now!
Caleb Bouma 0 Comments
97 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Our Moscow ID City Council agenda for Monday evening includes approving the city spending $88k-$97k on a BEAUTIFICATION PROJECT. This is unacceptable considering the current circumstances:

Like our state and nation, Latah county has recently begun the worst economic disaster we have seen since the Great Depression. We are currently killing businesses with our COVID-19 shutdown, with an estimated job loss impact of over 3,500 jobs and economic impact of Negative $24 Million for JUST OUR COUNTY SO FAR!

Please sign this petition if you don't think they should be using our TAX MONEY on non-essential 3D Art Statues until we have a surplus of funds after economic recovery!

Here's the text of the Agenda:

"North Main Beautification Project Bid Result and Contract Award (ACTION ITEM) - Nate Suhr The 2020 City of Moscow North Couplet Beautification Project will prepare the area of C and Main Street for the installation of a metal three-dimensional sculpture public art piece entitled “The Homecoming”. The project includes installation of ADA compliant pedestrian ramps, curb extensions, electric and water service, and storm drainage, and replaces non-compliant sidewalks and driveway approaches. A concrete planter to shield pedestrians from vehicles will also be constructed. The public art piece and additional beautification projects, including additional sidewalk replacement and the installation of street trees throughout the corridor will be completed at a later date.

The City issued an electronic bid solicitation to five area contractors on March 20, 2020 and the Engineer’s estimate for the project was $89,057. Two responsive bids were received on April 3, 2020, with bids ranging from $88,714 to $92,772. Of those, Germer Construction of Moscow, Idaho submitted the low bid on the project of $88,714. A complete bid tabulation is attached.

PROPOSED ACTIONS: Accept the low bid from Germer Construction, Inc, award the contract in the amount of $88,714.00, and authorize staff approval of construction change orders in an amount not to exceed 10% of the contract amount ($8,871.40), or take such other action deemed appropriate."

Link to the Agenda:

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