STOP Banning/Blocking Facebook Roleplayers
Do you love to roleplay? I know I do, I've been roleplaying for a good long time now and am quite good at it, I have met many wondrous people on various Roleplay sites on various Fandoms that I enjoy, such as Twilight, Harry Potter, and even The Lord of the Rings, and even Once Upon a Time. I only realized a about a year or two ago that you can make an account to Roleplay through Via Facebook and meet tons of people that also contain Roleplay Characters from my favorite movies or shows. The only Pet Peeve I have for roleplaying on Facebook is the fact the fact that Facebook has the right to block your account and make you go through security checks: (Example:) Cellphone Verification, Photo ID Verification and the most difficult, Government ID Verification. Facebook is a wonderful site to chat and meet friends from around the world, but Facecbook obviously hates Roleplaying because every time an account of a Roleplayer is made. (Example:) an account under the name "Thranduil Mirkwood" Is made, the character may get a few days, if lucky weeks of their account before WHAM! Facebook immediatly recognizes them as a false user and thus puts them through the stress of verifying their character, they may get lucky and be able to enable their account once more by using a cellphone # to verity their account, or happen to bypass the annoying Photo ID section of the Security Test. So if you are one of thees individuals like myself who love making Accounts on Facebook to roleplay my Favorite Character from a movie or TV show that I enjoy, please sign my petition and get Facebook to allow Roleplaying into their community, its not like we're purposely interpreting a person and or actor of the film/TV show, its only a False Account for roleplaying purposes, PLEASE Facebook allow Roleplay to play a major part in Facebook history. Roleplayers help me help you help me get Facebook to allow Roleplay!