Stop & Apologize for Elective Abortions in Adventist Hospitals

The Adventist movement started on pro-life principles and a high regard for the Ten Commandments which forbid the murder of innocent human beings. Unfortunately, back in 1970, three years prior to the legalization of abortion in the U.S. mainland, our Adventist leaders decided to compromise with evil and allowed our Adventist hospitals to offer abortions on demand with impunity and in violation of its own guidelines and what the Lordenshrined on tablets of stone.
The evidence for this shameful dereliction of moral duty is amply documented in the pages of Adventist literature, the Washington Post, and a recently published book by Nic Samojluk and printed by http://lulu.com. Ted Wilson, the current president of Adventists, is pushing for a revival and reformation. This noble goal should include the return to the pro-life principles strongly advocated by the pioneers of Adventism over a century ago.