Morgan Broom 0

Stop Animal Testing

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We believe that cosmetic animal testing is not only cruel, but irrelevant and unnecessary. We're calling on the Federal government to ban the testing of cosmetics on animals, as well as the sale of new cosmetics on animals. Here's what you can do to help put an end to this horrific practice:

1. Sign the petition

2.Stop supporting businesses that engage in animal testing

Considering animal testing is not legally required, a staggering number of animals are injured and killed for the sake of cosmetics. Animals in laboratories spend their lives in cages, never knowing the warmth of the sun or the breeze on their skin. They are often kept either in isolation or in extremely overcrowded cages. They are never provided with pain relief after being subjected to often painful testing, and are killed once the testing has beencompleted. More than 100 million animals are used worldwide, which is about 274,000 per day, or three every second.

The Efficacy of Animal Testing

With millions of animals suffering and dying in the name of 'cosmetic safety', are these tests even accurate? Often not. We know from the pharmaceutical sector that 9 out of every 10 new drugs (92%) that appear safe and effective in animal tests turn out to be unsafe or ineffective in human clinical studies. And there's no reason to believe that animal tests do any better in predicting the human safety of cosmetics or other substances.


The scienceof cosmetics safety testing has progressed greatly in recent years, and there are now dozens of proven non-animal test methods accepted by government regulators of cosmetics. Examples include 3-dimensional human skin models, which can fully replace the use of rabbits for skin irritation testing, and cell culture tests for sunlight-induced “photo”-toxicity, genetic mutations, and other harmful effects.

Unlike animal tests, which have never been ‘validated’ to demonstrate their relevance to people, non-animal methods have been shown to be scientifically superior – and usually take less time to complete, at a fraction of the cost of animal experiments.

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