Lori Ford 0

City Requests Federal Funds to Service Larger Aircraft

78 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Lori Ford 0 Comments
78 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now


“Update Notice": On June 30, 2105 the City of Georgetown requested federal grants to upgrade airport runways to service an expanded fleet of larger, heavier and noisier charter aircraft capable of carrying up to 100 passengers or the equivalent weight in freight. Those who oppose this latest airport capacity expansion should sign below and join your neighbors to express your opposition.

The signatures below represent citizens both inside and outside Georgetown, Texas protesting violations of the federal law, the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), by the City of Georgetown, TxDOT and the FAA. Read “ A Citizens Guide to the NEPA” on the web.

We protest any and all uses of our federal tax funds for expansion of aviation operations at Georgetown Municipal Airport which is located near the center of the city, atop the Edwards Recharge Zone, and surrounded by homes, schools, churches and businesses implemented in violation of the "NEPA”

We demand a full and comprehensive preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) as provided by the NEPA for all completed, pending and proposed federal grants for GTU improvements.

Map of Noise sensitive areas (Charter school and church missing from map)


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