STOP abuse of foxes
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first i want to say please keep the comments clean i know animal abuse is wrong and why and how anyone could hurt an animal i'll never know but this petition is not about hate or hateful comments..the story of abuse of foxes are not my own sightings but more story that others have shared with me. and yes this petition is called "stop abuse of foxes" it's also for all animals just not them i only picked foxes because for whatever reason foxes seem to be the main animal that gets killed hunted abused (from the wild animal side)
it kinda needs to be said here, its sad when we hear about any animal being abused. what makes it worse is when hunters are just not happy to point their gun shoot and kill a wild animal its much worse when hunters abuse the animals they are hunting. and for whatever reason foxes seem to be the main animal that gets abused and used for hunters fun and games like blood sport. if you dont know what blood sport is...more on that later.
the abuse of foxes is nothing new but im hearing more and more people come out and tell their story of seeing foxes being abused because some hunters dont feel just shooting them is the only thing to do. now blood sport? its something very big over in the UK where people on horses and their houndogs chase and hunt down a little fox when the dogs catch the fox they rip the fox apart til their owners tell them to stop and they let the fox run away again and the chase is on all over again. 78% of the UK is against this but hunters call this a "sport" i have talked to some people from the UK and they have told me nightmares of things they have seen happen to foxes..now if you dont want to hear this i dont blame you and i 100% understand im only going to say this because their story needs to be told and show why abuse of foxes needs to end.
i heard a story from a woman in the UK she told me she once her grandmother saw, she was walking passed some woods on her way to work in Feb 2010 and i could hear some yelling in the woods and when she went to check she could see a group of 6 men around a tree and they had trapped a fox in a snare (a snare is a wire that any wild animal can get around their leg or neck and the animal stays alive til the hunter comes back and kills it) and they were smacking it with a stick and laughing over it, when the woman said HEY STOP THAT! the men said ok and laughed and took the snare off the fox and grabbed the fox by the tail and smacked the fox against the tree hurting it very bad and threw it into the near by creek bed and walking off and laughing over it, the woman jumped in the creek and got the fox out the little fox wasbreathing slow but looked up at her with its mouth wide open and blood falling out, like the fox was trying to tell her help me....the woman did help the little fox and took the fox to the vet 3 days later the little fox died fromblood on the brain, again thats abuse of an animal a fox! how and why does any LAW LET THIS GO? how can hunters abuse little poor foxes like that and god knows how much worse they abuse them and we dont know about it yet!
we need to pass a law against abuse of foxes from hunters! you want to know how cruel the law system is today? a hunter can take his or her dog hunting with them chase and kill a fox...but if i was to kill their dog you know what? i'd end up being in jail for what you may ask? ABUSE OF DOGS! how messed up are laws? so its ok to abuse wild life animals? and not ok to abuse pet animals? where is the sense in that? now dont get me wrong im not for abuse of pets im not saying that. im just pointing out wild life animals dont count as abuse?
and very quick i will share a story of my own and it's very true..back in june this year 2013. when we were in a heat wave, i was coming out of a war mart when in the parking lot i saw a dog in a car with the windows rolled up the dog looked to be so hot i asked a guy who was working at walmart to report this car if he could and asked the owner to come out and roll down there windows. the guy working at walmart did nothing he walked off like nothing was wrong..i will never understand why people bring there pets with them in a car when its a heat wave?! little kids have died from this so why if a human can die from the heat why bring your pet with you?
long story short soon after a woman came out to her car and i gave her a peace of my mind but thats not the point. the point is its abuse to animals to leave them in a car with the windows rolled up so if you ever see it happen report the people and make share people care, it shocks me how people can act like nothing is wrong