Tacha Kennedy 0

Transphobia and hypocrisy at Stonewall

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We the undersigned deplore the decision of Stonewall to invite a transphobic journalist to their awards ceremony on 6th November at the Victoria & Albert Museum. We believe that the inclusion of Julie Bindel, a journalist regarded by many in the transgendered community as transphobic, is a very worrying policy change. Previously Stonewall's policy was one of exclusion of transgendered people from their organisation. Now that appears to have changed to one of actively supporting someone who expresses opinions which many view as transphobic. Two quotes from Ms Bindel; "those who "transition" seem to become stereotypical in their appearance - fuck-me shoes and birds'-nest hair for the boys; beards, muscles and tattoos for the girls." "think about a world inhabited just by transsexuals. It would look like the set of Grease."


A group of individuals opposed to homophobia and transphobia.
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