Let Stompin' Tom Connors perform at 2010 Olympics

Stompin' Tom Connors is a Canadian country-folk legend and he if has decided that he wants to perform at the 2010 Olympics then we say he has ever right! What does Stompin' Tom have to say about this "I'd love to do it, either the opening or the closing, I think it'd be a great honour,'' Connors told The Canadian Press in a telephone interview from his home in Halton Hills, Ont. "I'm just rarin' to go but I'm just waiting to be asked.'' As far as Connors's qualifications go, we would proudly point out his patriotism. The endlessly prolific artist has written more songs about Canada than anyone else- this is a fact. He even penned "The Olympic Song,'' which he updated with a Vancouver-specific verse for last year's "The Ballad of Stompin' Tom,'' his 50th album. "From Vancouver town to Whistler Mountain, they'll be found/ Our champions, and the medals they will claim/ When each hero dons their silver, gold or bronze/ Our history shall record their famous names,'' he sings in the song. Sure, maybe his name is not Gordon (we Canucks LOVE our Gordons) but he is a Canadian icon and has earned the right to represent our country. I hope that he is already a lock -- but this petition seems the least we can do to make his dream a reality. Rock on Tommy! CHEERS!