In support of Steven Ceraso
Petition in support of: Professor Steven Ceraso
To whom it may concern:
Professor Steven Ceraso, a member of the LIU CW POST faculty for 13 years, recently did not have his appoimnent to the faculty renewed for the present school year. Professor Ceraso is a very skilled artist who cares deeply for his students. This cut, supposedly for budgetary reasons, has left a tremendous void in the art curriculum. At present, there are no wood shop or metal shops classes in session. Professor Ceraso not only an inspiring teacher and mentor, but was the one who maintained the wood shop machines. We urge the university and the art department to reconsider this decision. Sculpting, wood and metal work, welding and related crafts are and should be an integral part of the art curriculum. We urge the reinstatement of this invaluable professor, artist and mentor.