Free Stephen Armstrong
Ben Goodwin 0

Free Stephen Armstrong

1418 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Ben Goodwin 0 Comments
1418 people have signed. Add your voice!
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After confronting hooligans who were damaging property in Glasgow, Scotland, Stephen Armstrong was accosted the following day by a man wielding a baton and a knife. His attacker smashed a window of Mr Armstrong\'s vehicle whilst he was seated in it, terrifying him. Mr Armstrong then used the vehicle to \'run over\' the knife wielding attacker who sustained multiple injuries. As a consequence Mr Armstrong was sentenced to Three and a half years imprisonment for assaulting his attacker. Please register your protest at this barabric sentence on a man who was clearly distressed, frightened and in fear of his life when he acted to defend his life and property. The Scottish Parliament must be made to realise that this is a miscarriage of justice of the highest order and highlights how out of touch the politicians and the judiciary are with the reality of innocent people going about their business being terrified by violent offenders. Mr Armstrong must be freed at the earliest possible opportunity. He merely defended himself in the face of terror and is punished for it. This sentence is an abomination the Scottish Parliament and Judiciary should be ashamed of.


This petition has been raised by a Scottish Citizen outraged by the severity of the sentence passed on Mr Armstrong. The Judge clearly has no conception of what it is like to be terrorised on a daily basis by violent offenders prepared to carry weapons. His Blog highlighting the plight of Stephen Armstrong can be found at Another petition started by the family of Stephen Armstrong has been commenced at this link I would urge everyone concerned at the plight of Stephen to visit this link and register your protest - Thank you.

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