Michael Matthews United kingdom 0

Stench At Hayle Sewage Treatment Works

160 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Michael Matthews United kingdom 0 Comments
160 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Sign Away People! And help others and the community

If you have smelt it at any time you have been effected even by just driving over the A30, or near the old quay house or anywhere.

Even if you have signed the paper petiton you may sign and comment on the online one below

We have created this petition to help the community and people around us to understand what can be done to enjoy a better quality of life, without any interruptions of the obnoxious odours from the St Erth/Hayle Sewage Treatment Works,which we have had to endure for the last four decades. I am seeking your help and support to eliminate this problem once and for all. We are in touch and being supported in an advisery capacity by someone in Yorkshire who have successfully won the same fight against Yorkshire water, and was able to gain compensation of £75,000 for the community, and more importantly to obtain an abatement order against them for £20,000 per day in fines, should they be in breach of the conditions. We hope to achieve the same outcome as our colleague was able to do in Yorkshire.

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