South Barrington attempting to ban Golf carts and Low speed vehicles

The board of the Village of South Barrington is considering a partial or full ban on golf carts and on street legal, electric powered, zero emission LSV's (Low speed vehicles) due to a minority of complaints from a single neighborhood (The Regency). These complaints have already convinced the park district to enact a ban (rule) on these vehicles on park district property. However, these LSV's are legal in Illinois under state law and the Illinois Vehicle Code # 625 ILCS 5/ Ch. 11. We need the majority of South Barrington to speak up and be heard. These vehicles have been and are a way of life in South Barrington for years. Please sign this petition if you believe South Barrington does not need to ban golf carts or LSV vehicles and that the South Barrington Park District needs to designate specific locations and trails to be cart friendly. Thank you