Stop the beach reclamation for property development in St Aubin's bay

This petition is to give notice to the States Of Jersey, and in particular the Planning Department, that those who sign are opposed to any further attempts to reclaim land in St Aubin's bay for the purpose of a property development of 100 Flats, or fewer, or for the creation of a 600 space car park. St Aubin is one of the last unspoilt coastal areas, and the St Helier Waterfront, some of it already abandoned, should be the last mistake that the Government allows with reclamation, and ruining what is left of our beautiful coastline. Please sign this online petition, and send a message that we wish for St Aubin to remain unspoiled, by refusing to let cars come before people, and to stop a property developer getting rich off public land, with flats out of the reach of most Islanders. These will no doubt be flats on the higher end of the market, out of the reach of the vast majority trying to get on or move up the property ladder, and we provide the land! Lets tell Guy De Faye and his developer and architect cronies know that we reject their plans.