Starting Online Classes for ALL APU intakes

Dear APU Students,
As you know, after the critical situation with Covid-19 more than 15 intakes in Asia Pacific University were limited to continue their semesters online. Hence, it resulted in a semester postponement for approximately 2-3 months.
However, with the new MCO extension students were still not given an update on the status of their studies and information on when they will be able to continue their studies. Without the possibility of e-learning, students, especially international students, will be forced into a corner on a number of fronts. Furthermore, by postponing the semester start date, many students will have to pay more rent, spend more on groceries and possibly on visa extensions as well. This places enormous strain on students financially.
Therefore, we would like to ask your support to request the APU Academic Administration to launch online classes for ALL intakes. The purpose of this current petition is to collect signatures in order to demonstrate the willingness of students to partake in online learning. Because APU was not able to provide e-classes equally for all intakes, the majority of these local and international students will have to cancel plans, extend visas, and spend extra budget for rental and other expenses.