Standardize FCPS II on lines of International Exams

Respected President CPSP, Chief Examiners & CPSP Council
Assalam O Alaikum,
Sir, We hope you are in good health.
We would like to draw your attention to a few pertinent issues which need urgent amendments.
CPSP indeed has come a long way and We are truly grateful for the support that You and Your team has extended to all of us - the Undertraining doctors.
In order to truly fulfil the spirit of international standardization; We would request that the following considerations may please be put forth before the worthy council and necessary changes be inducted in FCPS II Exam pattern:
1.Part 2 exam pattern should be like MRCP PACES - there should be no long cases - short cases stations and scenarios may be revisited as per PACES pattern.
2. Exam marking should be further looked into and be made structured in order to ensure zero bias and fair evaluation across the board.
3. A third silent observer should be added at each station which should evaluate the two examiners as per international standard
4.Detailed feedback should be provided to unsuccessful candidates highlighting weakness and suggesting areas of improvement as per international standard.
We sincerely hope that you will consider these suggestions and bring further changes to the current FCPS II exam format.
Kind Regards,
FCPS Trainees