Stand Up For Small Businesses - Sign SB197
We are signing the below petition to encourage Gov. John Hickenlooper to sign SB 16-197, the Colorado Liquor Compromise.
As a small business owner, I recognize that the potential ballot initiatives put my livelihood at risk. Colorado’s liquor laws are complicated and change cannot be properly addressed through a ballot. Our representative through CLBA acted on our best interests by negotiating legislation that would put significant and immediate value on our liquor licenses, while ensuring the market would not be upheaved overnight. The signing of SB197 will give clarity and assurance in the marketplace, and allow me to continue operating, relocate or sell my license, which will continue to provide me a living.
We understand what the bill entails (see summary below), and stand behind it.
Senate Bill 16-197: Each grocery store chain will be allowed to have a total of twenty (20) liquor stores licenses over the course of the next 20 years (compared to 1 today). However, the grocery store chain must first purchase all current liquor stores within a 1500-foot radius of a grocery store that wants to have a liquor license before the grocery store is able to receive a license. If there are no retail liquor licenses within the 1500-foot radius, the grocery store must still purchase two (2) retail liquor licenses within the local jurisdiction before being allowed to have a liquor license.
In exchange for this historic compromise, the liquor retailers (CLBA and Coloradans for Safety), Walmart, Target, Colorado Convenience Store Association and the Distilled Spirits Council of the United States will agree to remove their current 2016 ballot measures, and agree in concept that this legislation represents the transition of Colorado’s liquor industry until 2037.
The protections in SB 16-197 will still be in place even if they move forward with the ballot measure and it passes. That's why SB-197 is so important.
Gov. Hickenlooper – we ARE the little guys, and we respectfully ask you to sign SB16-197. Our livelihoods depend on it.