Stand 4 Mindfulness 0

Stand 4 Mindfulness

22 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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22 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Stand for mindfulness is an initiative that aims at spreading awareness about the positive impact of daily mindfulness practice for kids.

Mindfulness is the psychological process of bringing one's attention to experiences occurring in the present moment.

We believe, that if every kid becomes mindful, the world will be a more peaceful and sustainable place. Mindfulness is also a critical important element to attain the sustainable development goals established by the United Nations.

Mindfulness is a secular and scientific practice that helps in reducing anxiety, implicit age and race bias, prevents and treats depression and improves the cognition. It has been proven as a great way develop empathy and compassion within the kids.

Practicing mindfulness early in the life helps the kids to experience happiness by lowering social anxiety and stress.

Let’s start practicing mindfulness together; for a healthy body, mind and future!

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