Stamp Out Sarcoidosis 2013 Campaign

Sarcoidosis is a potentially fatal inflammatory disease that can attack any organ of the body. It causes tiny lumps called granulomas to form. These granulomas most closely resemble sugar or sand in appearance. Sarcoidosis has no known cause or cure and is known to affect people of all ages, races and gender worldwide. A normal immune system would defend ones body against anything seen as foreign or harmful. Specific cells would be sent out protect the organ by releasing chemicals that would produce inflammation. By surrounding the evading substance or substances the foreign invader would then be isolated and destroyed. In a person with Sarcoidosis for whatever the reason the inflammation remains and this allows granulomas to form. Sarcoidosis is not easily treated or controlled because no two persons with the disease are alike, therefore we could be compared to a snowflake. In fact most people with the disease look perfectly healthy from the outside. Therefore, the Sarcoidosis community in whole, which includes but is not limited to spouses, loved ones, friends and caregivers are asking that a stamp be created to honor all of us who are living with and who have passed on due to this disease. Let this stamp also bring awareness and education to all in hopes that a cure will soon be found.