Oppose City of St Albert bylaw 27/2011 section 258 Borrowing funds for Ray Gibbon Drive extension
Prevent the City of St Albert from passing the bylaw 27/2011 to borrow the funds to extend Ray Gibbon Drive or the future Anthony Hendey Extension. These funds would be allocated on a P3 basis and the proposed Highway would become provincial juristicion anyway. St Albert residents do not need to be taxed unnecissarily for several reasons; - Ray Gibbon Drive continuation does not follow the Subdivision Developement Regulation of Alberta guideline of .8km from property owners property line, for roads with posted speed limits of 80 kph or greater. The city of St Albert proposes to bring this major highway within 50 meters of its residents. - This is not being responsible to any of us. Niether financially or morally. No one on City Council would live at these properties. Why do they expect us to live here. - By extending Ray Gibbon Drive now at lower posted speed limits allows them to bring the road closer. Then torture us at a later date with the noise and unsellable properties. - St Albert must increase our property taxes to pay for this. Yet our property values and ability to resell in the future deminishes. I urge all St Albert residents to sign this petition and prevent the actions of this irreasponsible municiple government.