Meaghan Hines 0

Stairs for Albion Falls

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Meaghan Hines 0 Comments
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Albion Falls is a breathtaking waterfall located in the Red Hill Valley area of Hamilton, Ontario. Hundreds of tourists visit Albion Falls each day to see and photograph the beautiful scenery. The trails around Albion Falls are perfect for hikes, walks, and adventures; and the waterfall itself is one of the biggest and most breathtaking of all the waterfalls in Hamilton.

To reach the bottom of the waterfall, there is a dangerous 20 metre walk. There is no designated trail. The man-made trails are rocky and unsafe. Worst of all, there are no stairs which lead to the bottom of the waterfall; visitors have to slide down a very steep hill. The walk up to the road from the bottom of the waterfall is even more difficult.

Unfortunately, the unsafe conditions at Albion Falls have resulted in multiple casualties. Friends, family, and loved-ones have been injured and lost.

Albion Falls is an important and iconic natural landmark in Hamilton, and visitors should be able to safely explore what the City of Waterfalls has to offer.

This petition has been made to share information, gather support, and spread awareness about the possibility of building stairs at Albion Falls. These stairs would not only increase tourist revenue and decrease the costs of rope rescues for the City of Hamilton, they would most importantly allow people to visit the falls safely and without risk.

Please join the petition if you would like Albion Falls to be a safe location for everyone to visit and enjoy.

Thank you.

Instagram: @stairsforalbionfalls

Twitter: @stairsforalbion


This petition is independent and is not associated with the City of Hamilton, Albion Falls, or any other regional association.

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