Spring Creek School Board Elections

Spring Creek School Board is comprised of the North District which is currently made up of 3 seats: 2 elected, 1 appointed. The appointed position has been held for nearly 4 decades with no changes. The South District is made up of 3 elected positions. In Previous history, the School Board has not held regular elections. There is very little to no advertisement for Board Trustee Positions on the north side of this district when they do decide to hold an election. The elected positions are ran sporadically and not an a specific election schedule like they are required per MT Code of Law 20-3-301 School District Board of Trustee Elections.
20-3-301. Election and term of office.
(1) Every trustee position prescribed by this title is subject to election. Except as provided in 20-3-313, a school trustee election must be held annually on the regular school election day established in 20-20-105(1).
(2) The term of office for each position must be 3 years unless it is otherwise specifically prescribed by this title.
Please sign this petition if you feel it would benefit the Spring Creek School District to have a reorganization of the Spring Creek School Board.
This petition:
- is requesting a change to have all 3 positions for the North District as elected positions every 3 years just as the South District beginning 2021-2022 OR requesting that the appointed position be re-appointed to a minority every 3 years.
- Is requesting annual elections be held each year per MT Code of Law above.
- is requesting that school board meetings, school board notifications, school board minutes be posted in the Busby, MT Post Office.
Again, Thank you for your consideration and caring about this amazing school we have right here in our community.
Please sign this petition if you feel it would benefit the Spring Creek School District to have a reorganization of the Spring Creek School Board.