Petition: Please let SuperPoke Pets users switch back to old pets!
Dec. 17, 2010
We, the undersigned, are either loyal SuperPoke Pets players, or friends of SuperPoke Pets players signing in support of our friends. Recently, Slide, Inc. (the maker of SPP) has rolled out the option to switch to "new" versions of our pets. According to SPP's FAQ list, players have a *choice* of whether we want to switch our old (classic) pets to the new pets. Nothing is mandatory. According to that same FAQ list, however, once a player makes the switch, SPP will not switch the player back.
The PROBLEM is that something is misleading (or possibly just "glitchy") about the way SPP has introduced the new pets, because a large number of players are all coming forward with the same complaint: we DID NOT wish to convert our old pets into the new pets, yet somehow that happened anyway!
When a player goes to SPP for the first time since the switch was rolled out, he/she gets blasted with one or more windows promoting the new pets. Something is very wrong and/or confusing with that window, with the wording of it, or with the process as a whole, because many people are finding themselves switched BY ACCIDENT! If it was only one or two people, that would indicate simple carelessness. But it's not one or two people -- it's a significant number, as the signatures on this petition attest.
In the interest of good PR, in recognition of our loyalty to SPP, and in recognition of the large amounts of actual money some of us have spent on gold items, we have one simple request of Slide, Inc.: please give those of us who switched by accident the ability to switch back to our old pets. That is all.
The undersigned SPP players and/or friends of players
Dec. 20, 2010 UPDATE: I too have heard, from several sources, that Slide will consider our request if the petition gets 3,000 signatures. However, I have NOT heard this directly from Slide, so I cannot confirm anything yet. For now, please keep publicizing the petition! :)
P.S. iPetitions requires your email address but it will NOT be posted with your name. Just make sure the "show my name" option is checked. And please feel free to comment.
P.P.S. Please IGNORE any iPetitions page that may ask for a donation after you sign the petition. It's optional & does not affect your participation. (You can donate to them if you wish, but I doubt anyone has extra money this time of year!)
Slide, Inc. has 2 phone numbers I found publicly. Any time I call, the call won't go thru because all circuits are busy. Maybe lots of folks are complaining! If you want to try calling, the numbers are 415.618.0506 & 415.814.1790.
Please consider submitting this as a news tip to Mashable and/or TechCrunch. I already did, along with an explanatory writeup, but they'll be more likely to write an article if more folks pitch the idea. Thanks!
If you wish, you can also file a complaint w/ the Better Business Bureau; I found the proper listing for Slide, Inc. in San Francisco, CA. The shortened URL is below. They've already had 23 complaints filed in the last 36 months, interestingly.