Say "NO" to endless sports contents price hikes.

Fellow sports-viewing enthusiasts in Singapore, the tide is against us once again, with the next season of UEFA Champions League rights going to Singtel. It is very possible and quite inevitable that Singaporeans who want a piece of Champions League action next season will have to subscribe to Mio TV, and thus, adding to the already rocketing costs of getting our sports-viewing fix. This problem, is not that of football fans alone. In Starhub's case, non-football fans who wants to watch, say basketball or tennis, have to fork out the same price as football fans, as there's no separate package. This trend has to stop! If nothing is done, we, the consumers are the only ones who will lose out as we keep forking out the extra money. And the amount can only increase, with the major pay-tv providers will up the stakes to outbid one another, once the contracts are up for grabs again in a couple of years' time. Thus, with this online petition, I hope to garner supporters who are willing to pledge not subscribing to the latest round of money-making nonsense. This is not legally binding, of course. But I hope that as this petition grows, we can see that the resistance is substantial, and no longer "What can I do alone All others are subscribing." and everyone ends up subscribing. I hope people support this cause. A short term lack of football fix, might just be the answer to a long-term cheaper subscription for all to benefit. Thank You!