Split screen on Star Wars: BF PC

- What we are asking for:
Add split screen mod on Star Wars: Battlefront PC version. This mod is available as standard on SONY and MICROSOFT games consoles.
- Our claims:
This petition needs YOU! to make it visible and to impact on EA. We need to spread the petition everywhere, on forums, on social networks, share it with your families, your friends, everywhere, anytime, at the nearest of the gamers.
- Explanations:
Split screen mod has been wrongly cut off from the PC platform. Now, for several years, on most of the video games, the lack of the split screen has emerged, even though it is still available on consoles.
Like consoles (which are intended to be user-friendly and have split screen), PC allow us to enjoy a lovely time with family and friends. Side by side, on the same display, playing the Rebel Alliance? No you won't, split screen is not available...
- Quotes:
- Underlying reasons:
I make this petition in the name of the PC gaming community, leave aside.
I make this petition 'cause we have to admit that many gamers express their disapproval.
I make this petition hoping to make things happen not only for SW: BF but also for the future.
Finally, I make this petition so that the Great of this world (EA amongst others) respect, listen and write down what 'all those make them great' have to say. We must fight the crushing lobbying activities!